Gears 5 is hither in all of its messy and gory glory. Over the years, the Gears series has given players an assortment of highly volatile weapons to eradicate Locust, Swarm, and enemy players alike. It comes as no surprise and then that Gears 5 has a healthy roster of weapons to play around with, some new and some old.

In this arsenal is some of the most powerful and satisfying weaponry to use. Every firearm is different but only a handful of them can be seen as the best. For the sake of simplicity, heavy weapons like the Tri-Shot and Mulcher will exist left out of this list, and of course, grenades have their own carve up applications besides. With that said, here are the top ten.

10 10. Talon Relic

A new improver, the Talon auto pistol brings some much-welcomed diversity to the rather small assortment of sidearms in the game. Sporting fully automatic and outburst fire capabilities, this pistol has the highest rate of fire but does the everyman damage per shot out of any sidearm.

Its relic version rectifies this little drawback. If you hit your agile reload, this weapon gets a buff in damage and becomes easier to command when firing. Considering those are the two issues that brand the stock Talon a hitting-or-miss weapon, the relic version is easily the superior one.

9 9. Boltok Relic

Not much can replace a skilful former fashion revolver pistol. Accurateness is the key to handling this bad boy. Around two headshots volition destroy well-nigh enemies in the game, so if you lot're the type that likes to land some sweet headshots at a consequent charge per unit, this is the sidearm for you.

Even without headshots, this fine firearm is nonetheless more than capable of stopping enemies dead in their tracks. It has the slowest rate of fire compared to other pistols in the game, just it more than than makes upwards for it in stopping ability. The relic version besides brings a fleck more accuracy to its hip-fire as well.

8 8. Longshot Relic

When it comes to sniper weapons, the Longshot is the go-to for virtually. With its zoom ability and high damage output, this traditional sniper rifle tin be absolutely deadly in the hands of a skilful player. The key is finding comfy and reliable spots to become shots off.

The normal variant simply gets 1 shot per reload and its reload cycle is rather long, but doing a perfect reload with the relic version grants you an extra round in the sleeping room, and then it pays to principal its active reload. This bonus gives you a little actress firepower and having two shots instead of one is always great.

7 7. Embar Relic

The Embar is kind of like the Longshot's kid sibling. With no scope and a charge upwardly time before firing, it tin be difficult to love it when compared to its big brother. The relic version makes a case for itself in no longer living in its big brother's shadow. The relic version takes longer to charge but that charged-up shot does an insane corporeality of damage.

Its utility still doesn't rival the Longshot's when facing a grouping of Swarm enemies spread out around the battlefield, but its high damage output when focused on a singular large target surpasses it past a mile if you're patient and your aim is on point.

6 half dozen. Lancer MK3

It'south an assail rifle with a chainsaw for a bayonet. Not much more need exist said. The good old Lancer has been sawing unfortunate souls in half since the original Gears of War. It'south past far the most identifiable and iconic weapon in the entire franchise.

If someone is getting too close for comfort, just fire upwardly the chainsaw and tell them to respect your personal infinite. It's one of the most abundant weapons dropped by enemies throughout the entrada, so you'll rarely have to worry almost running out of ammo for it. An all-around solid tool, y'all can never go incorrect with the Lancer.

five five. Gnasher

Like the Boltok, yous can't actually exist without a good shotgun. A classic, the Gnasher is always ready to blow anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its cone of burn down to chunks. If yous're someone who likes to get upwardly close and personal with the enemy, the Gnasher is probably your best friend.

A reliable weapon and also one that's never short of ammo throughout the campaign as well. You won't have to worry too much about your ammo economy when you're using this shotty right. It's too by far one of the most satisfying weapons to handle in the game.

4 four. Retro Lancer Relic

The Retro Lancer tends to be an underestimated weapon when compared to its upgraded versions. The chainsaw attachment is a safer and more applied choice than trying to line up a charge with the bayonet. Its slower rate of fire and smaller maximum reserve ammo as well don't help the Retro Lancer'southward case.

The relic version certainly does though. While its maximum reserve ammo is even smaller, it makes up for information technology through its explosive rounds. If you aren't the type that's into intensive aiming, this weapon tin can take the load off. Out of all the weapons that take an explosive holding, this one is the most satisfying when it comes to causing havoc.

3 three. Boomshot Relic

The Boomshot is one of the more versatile explosive weapons in the game. When handling it in the right state of affairs, it can wipe whole squads away with a few well-placed shots. Its drawback is that you have to reload after every shot. The relic version fixes this problem.

Instead of ane-shot per reload, the Boomshot relic gives you lot three. In addition to this, its maximum reserve ammo is also increased from its regular version. This may give you a bit more liberty to fire away or assist you capeesh the weapon a piffling more than if you're the blazon who's a flake more than frugal with your ammo economy.

2 ii. Lancer GL

One of the newest additions to the Gears armory. What could you perhaps do with this archetype that hasn't been done? Attach a grenade launcher to it, of course!

The Lancer GL is equipped with an alternating fire that shoots a hailstorm of micro-missiles over a targeted area. This is a corking and more convenient pick to help flush out enemies from cover without having to resort to using a slow grenade toss or the cumbersome Dropshot. It also sports an increased rate of fire compared to a regular Lancer. And so, if you weren't satisfied with the limited ranged options your basic Lancers have, the GL variation is sure to solve your concerns.

1 1. Lancer GL Relic

The relic version of the Lancer GL brings with it a pocket-sized tweak. While the stock version delivers a micro-missile payload to pelting upon your enemies, the relic version is a straight shooter, literally. The explosive payload it delivers is an airburst one that will travel in a directly line toward a target.

This means that the explosions happen much quicker and accept less of a run a risk to be interrupted past inconveniently placed compages, but they lose some of the cover flushing utility the stock version provides. It ultimately comes downward to preference. If you lot're the blazon who enjoys being a chip more straight-frontwards when in a fight, the Lancer GL Relic is probably for you lot.

NEXT: Ranked: v Best & Worst Weapons For Team Deathmatch In Gears v

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